Our Mission and Core Values

Our Mission: “To make data better so businesses can make better decisions and achieve better results.”

Data Quality Solutions Overview From Our Founder, Geoff Grow

Service Objects was founded on four core values:​

Customer Service Excellence

We are a service-oriented company that cannot exist without highly satisfied customers.
We are committed to providing the highest level of customer service, every time.

Outstanding Network Performance

It doesn't matter how good your data is if your network fails to deliver it. Outstanding network performance is an essential part of the data quality equation. Our commitment to 99.999% uptime is financially backed by our MSA.

Fun and Healthy Workplace

Stellar customer service is a worthy goal, but it can only happen if the work environment is healthy and happy. When employees enjoy their work, it shows. Creating a fun, healthy workplace enables us to deliver the exceptional customer service our customers deserve.

Corporate Conservation

We are committed to protecting the environment. Our data quality APIs have saved over 2 million trees and removed over 300 tons from the waste stream. We have joined forces with OneTree Planted to plant trees for each new customer. In our office, we practice what we preach: we recycle, use highly efficient virtualized servers, and use sustainable office supplies.

Our Trusted Partners

Experience Unmatched Reliability


Uptime Guarantee


Customer Support


Support Engineers