
Announcing DOTS Address Geocode – International

Service Objects has long offered capabilities for geocoding US and Canadian addresses. Now, to better serve the global marketplace, we are pleased to announce the release of DOTS Address Geocode – International. This new service aggregates numerous datasets from around the world to return the best latitude, longitude and address location details possible for international addresses.

Most contact data quality tools revolve around WHO your customer is – but in recent years, WHERE they are has grown rapidly in importance. Geocoding, which involves getting latitude, longitude and location information for an address, has become a critical component of areas such as targeted marketing, compliance and more. This major new product release opens up the power of geocoding to businesses of all sizes serving the world market.

How Address Geocode – International works

In simplistic terms, Address Geocode – International takes as input any address from around the world, along with a few other details, and returns coordinates indicating where in the world the address is located. One of the real strengths of the service, however, is all of the ways users can interact with it to get results.

So what are some specific use cases for how this service can be used? Let’s look at some examples:

Marketing: You may have location-specific marketing interests – for example, prime prospects for your product or service may live in a certain locality, or your best customers may be clustered around specific areas. Geocoding and plotting customer locations allow you to target your message to specific groups, see patterns in your customer data, and facilitate business analytics for future geotargeting.

Customer Support: Geocoding helps you calculate the closest provider, service, or store to a specific customer address, to optimize service delivery, increase customer satisfaction, and help calculate shipping costs and time estimates in real-time.

Fraud prevention: By measuring the distance between Bill To and Ship To addresses, you can use business logic to flag potentially suspicious transactions for further review. In addition, geocoding can help identify possible fraud hotspots in known or emerging locations.

Logistics: Location coordinates can be used as part of the calculation for optimizing which warehouse or supplier to ship from, as well delivery route planning, cost and time estimates, supplier selection and management based on proximity, and more.

In addition to cases like these, having a geocoding infrastructure for your contact data can prepare you for whatever location-dependent needs may evolve in the future, from financially-critical issues such as new compliance regulations to bold new directions such as drone delivery. More importantly, all of your future business efforts can take advantage of having a 3D view of your customer base that has become a growing competitive factor.

Try global geocoding at no charge

This major new product release is part of an ongoing process of expanding data quality capabilities for international contact data, in an increasingly global marketplace. As with all of Service Objects’ data quality products, Address Geocode – International comes bundled with industry-leading 24/7/365 technical support, expert implementation assistance, and guaranteed 99.999% uptime with the industry’s only financially-backed service level agreement.

To request a free trial key, request a demo, or learn more about what Address Geocode – International can do for you, please contact us.

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