Today, companies face a complex web of tax regulations. Staying compliant with tax laws, particularly sales tax, is a challenge for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small online...
Imagine that your business has just submitted a sample dataset to us for a free test of our APIs for validation, cleansing, and categorization. What you receive in return is...
residential lead validation
One of the key features of Service Objects’ Lead Validation products is customizable scoring criteria for scoring a lead. These criteria, in turn, help you make better decisions about leads...
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word visualization as “the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting into visible form.” At Service Objects, we would take this...
At Service Objects, one of our four Core Values is to provide excellent customer service. Part of accomplishing this goal is providing our clients with the tools they need to...
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In a competitive digital age, insight into your customers is valuable information. Beyond the impact of individual data points, a holistic understanding of how each data point is connected can...
When it comes to online forms, user-data entry can lead to some critical errors if the data is not cleaned and verified before it is allowed to reach the next...
Our DOTS Address Validation – US service is one of our most powerful and popular services, with tens of thousands of validations being processed every day. This service allows users...
In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), data is everything. The power of AI systems to process and analyze large amounts of data is unprecedented, but the integrity of the...

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