If you are looking to consolidate your address, geocoding, and demographics data validations into a single service, this guide will aid in your transition to DOTS Address Insight – US. This quick reference guide helps you easily map the input and output from each individual web service into the respective Address Insight – US field. The Address Insight – US service has a nearly complete 1:1 mapping from each of the component parts, so you will not be missing data fields in the consolidation.
This service is a convenient, bundled tool that validates, geocodes and appends location-based demographics data for a specified address. For an overview of how it works, visit this article on our blog. For a detailed view of the Address Insight response fields and their descriptions, please reference our Developer Guide.
Address Geocode
GetBestMatch_V4 Inputs
GetBestMatch_V4 Outputs
Address Validation 3
GetBestMatches Inputs
GetBestMatches Outputs
GetLocalAreaProfileByZip Inputs
GetLocalAreaProfileByZip Outputs
Address Geocode
DOTS Address Geocode – US provides latitude/longitude and metadata information about a physical US address. The service provides geocoding information, such as the latitude and longitude location of a US address, along with demographic information such as the census tract, block and other metadata.
Developer Guide: https://www.serviceobjects.com/docs/dots-address-geocode-us/
GetBestMatch_V4 Inputs
Address Geocode | Address Insight |
Address | Address1 |
City | City |
State | State |
PostalCode | Zip |
GetBestMatch_V4 Outputs
Address Geocode | Address Insight |
Level | GeocodeNotes |
LevelDescription | GeocodeNotesCodes |
Latitude | LocationLatitude |
Longitude | LocationLongitude |
Zip | Zip |
Address Validation
DOTS Address Validation – US is designed to take an unstandardized address, validate it against the latest USPS data, and return standardized, deliverable addresses. It provides validated address information along with other supplemental data such as address fragments, delivery notes, and corrections.
Developer Guide: https://www.serviceobjects.com/docs/dots-address-validation-us-3/
GetBestMatches Inputs
Address Validation 3 | Address Insight |
BusinessName | BusinessName |
Address | Address1 |
Address2 | Address2 |
City | City |
State | State |
PostalCode | Zip |
GetBestMatches Outputs
Address Validation 3 | Address Insight |
Address1 | Address |
Address2 | AddressExtra |
City | City |
State | State |
Zip | Zip |
IsResidential | AddressNotes (Code 121) |
DPVDesc | DPVDesc |
DPVNotes | N/A |
DPVNotesDesc | N/A |
Corrections | Corrections |
CorrectionsDesc | CorrectionsDesc |
BarcodeDigits | BarcodeDigits |
CarrierRoute | CarrierRoute |
CongressCode | CongressCode |
CountyCode | CountyCode |
CountyName | CountyName |
FragmentHouse | FragmentHouse |
FragmentPreDir | FragmentPreDir |
FragmentStreet | FragmentStreet |
FragmentSuffix | FragmentSuffix |
FragmentPostDir | FragmentPostDir |
FragmentUnit | FragmentUnit |
Fragment | Fragment |
FragmentPMBPrefix | FragmentPMBPrefix |
FragmentPMBNumber | FragmentPMBNumber |
DOTS Demographics provides ZIP code-level, small segment demographics for in-depth local-area profiles. It is built with US Census data, HUD data, current-year demographics and data culled from millions of consumer purchase records.
Developer Guide: https://docs.serviceobjects.com/display/devguide/DOTS+Demographics
GetLocalAreaProfileByZip Inputs
Demographics | Address Insight |
PostalCode | Zip |
GetLocalAreaProfileByZip Outputs
Demographics | Address Insight |
State | State |
City | City |
ZipPersonsPerHousehold | AreaAvgHouseholdSize |
ZipHouseholdIncome | AreaHouseholdIncome |
CountyHouseholdIncome | CountyHouseholdIncome |
StateHouseholdIncome | StateHouseholdIncome |