
After a Major Data Breach: The Crucial Importance of Accurate Customer Data Validation

A few months ago, the hacking group USDoD claimed responsibility for stealing sensitive personal data from National Public Data, a leading data broker. Recently, they released 2.7 billion records, including Social Security numbers, full names, addresses, dates of birth, and phone numbers, all for free. With this information now easily accessible, the risk to millions has significantly increased, exposing them to various malicious actors. This alarming situation highlights the critical need for businesses to protect themselves against fraudulent and high-risk accounts and transactions. Implementing Customer Data Validation (CDV) solutions is a proactive approach, ensuring that you are working with the most accurate and current consumer and business contact information.

Safeguard Your Business with Service Objects’ CDV Solutions

Service Objects’ CDV solutions are essential in protecting businesses from the consequences of data breaches by ensuring that the contact information you depend on is accurate, up-to-date, and reliable. These solutions validate and cross-reference consumer and business data against multiple authoritative sources in real-time, helping to prevent the use of stolen or outdated information that could result in fraudulent transactions, identity theft, or compliance challenges.

Enhance Fraud Prevention and Risk Management with Service Objects’ CDV Solutions

Service Objects’ CDV solutions are tailored to shield your business from the increasing threat of fraud by verifying the accuracy and reliability of critical contact data, such as addresses and phone numbers. Although they don’t incorporate sensitive information like Social Security numbers or dates of birth, these solutions provide powerful tools for effective fraud prevention.

Key Features:

  1. Real-Time Data Validation: Instantly cross-references contact details against authoritative sources to ensure accuracy, reducing the likelihood of using fake or compromised information.
  2. Risk Scoring: The solutions evaluate the accuracy and consistency of the data, helping businesses assess the risk associated with a particular account or transaction. For example, mismatched or inconsistent data can indicate a higher likelihood of fraud.
  3. Multi-Layered Verification: By leveraging multiple data sources, Service Objects’ solutions can detect discrepancies and anomalies that might signal fraudulent activity, such as incorrect addresses or suspicious phone numbers.

Optimizing Fraud Detection with Advanced Validation Solutions

While individual data points like addresses or phone numbers can provide some level of protection, the most effective defense against fraud, fake accounts, and high-risk transactions comes from using a comprehensive validation solution. Service Objects’ CDV solutions take into account multiple data elements—such as name, address, phone number, email, and IP address—and cross-validate them against each other. This multi-faceted approach enhances the detection of inconsistencies, significantly reducing the risk of fraud.

By examining these elements in tandem, businesses can identify suspicious patterns and discrepancies that might otherwise go unnoticed. For example, if an email address doesn’t match the name or the IP location is inconsistent with the provided address, these could be red flags for potential fraud. This holistic validation process ensures a higher level of accuracy and security, safeguarding your business from potential threats.

Practical Tips for Consumers to Protect Themselves

In light of the recent data breach, it’s crucial for consumers to take proactive steps to protect their personal information. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Place a Credit Freeze: This prevents unauthorized access to your credit report, making it harder for fraudsters to open accounts in your name.
  2. Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any suspicious activity.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Add an extra layer of security to your online accounts by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), which requires a second form of verification in addition to your password.
  4. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Ensure that each of your accounts has a strong and unique password. Consider using a password manager to keep track of them.
  5. Be Wary of Phishing Attempts: Scammers may use the breach to pose as legitimate companies and trick you into revealing more personal information. Always verify the source before clicking on links or providing sensitive information.
  6. Utilize Identity Theft Monitoring Services: Consider signing up for services that monitor your personal information and alert you to any potential misuse.

By following these steps, consumers can better protect themselves from the risks associated with this and other data breaches.


The recent breach of National Public Data, where billions of records were made freely available, serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present risks businesses and consumers face in today’s digital landscape. For businesses, implementing comprehensive Customer Data Validation (CDV) solutions, like those offered by Service Objects, is essential in mitigating these risks. For consumers, taking proactive steps to secure personal information is equally crucial. By working together, we can better protect our data and prevent the fallout from such breaches.