We love educating our clients. And we did quite a bit of it in 2019, with over 100 blog posts. Our blog, featuring informative articles and detailed user tips, is one of the most popular features of the Service Objects website. That is probably why you are reading this now!

We are also closing out a great year that includes the milestones of over 3 billion contact records validated since our 2001 founding, and over 2800 customers including industry leaders such as Amazon, Microsoft, Verizon, major credit card providers and many more. We are proud of 18 straight years of over 99% reliability, and even more proud of our commitment to the environment, ranging from saving nearly 200 million pounds of paper to supporting reforestation efforts in our native California.

As we wrap up this year, let’s take a look back the five of most popular of our fact-filled blog posts. Here are some of the articles that you found most useful in 2019:

Mailing Address vs Physical Address: What’s the Difference? Not every physical location is a valid postal address: in fact, in the United States, there are even cases where your mail is delivered from another state! Not to mention non-postal addresses used by shipping services, private mailboxes, and more. This detailed article by senior software engineer, Emanuel Fuentes, breaks this all down for you.

Reverse-Phone Look-Up: A Deep Dive. Telephone contact data has a great deal of associated data that can be important for applications ranging from TCPA compliance to marketing efforts. Our products can provide information about a phone number including carrier, porting status, line type, and user contact data. Jonas Shaefer, our Director of Engineering, walks you through the various options available.

A Brief Look at the Journey of an Email Message. Ask most people how an email message gets from point A to point B and they will probably have no idea. In reality, emails follow a multi-step process involving mail servers, communications protocols, subservices and much more. This post provides an overview of email delivery, and sheds light on many of the acronyms and processes involved in sending and receiving email messages.

Lead Scoring: How It Fits in with Marketing Automation. Marketing with a database full of bad leads is a little like believing you are rich because you still have more checks. In this article, our Director of Marketing, Carolyn Healey, provides a seasoned marketer’s perspective on how testing the data quality of your contact leads needs to be an essential part of every campaign.

Choosing a Web API: REST, Remote Procedural Call or Hybrid. No top 5 list of articles from Service Objects would be complete without giving credit to all the great technical information we provide to fellow programmers working with our products. This article goes into detail about the mechanics of making the API calls that are at the heart of implementing most Service Objects services.

Lots more good information will be coming your way from our team in 2020, and we truly enjoy sharing our knowledge and market perspectives with you, our customers and followers. We look forward to connecting with you from here, and want to wish all of you a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.