Tag: Data Security

The 23andMe Breach showed everyone that it’s important to fortify your business. Remember when we thought our DNA was the most personal thing about us? Well, it turns out that...
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In the realm of data security and privacy, achieving SOC 2 compliance is akin to earning a gold medal in the Olympics. Every process, system, and protocol we have in...
Bank grade security
Let’s start with understanding FTPS and SFTP. Better known as File Transfer Protocol Secure and Secure File Transfer Protocol. So what is the difference, and why are they even needed?...
Best Practices - API
Data integrity is one of those pleasant-sounding buzzphrases that seem self-evident to most people. Who doesn’t want their data to have integrity? But in fact, this term has a very...
Many people don’t realize that when you send an email, its contents are often unencrypted – and in turn, vulnerable to being seen and intercepted by others. This may be...
data protection Verifications io
It isn’t often that our data validation industry makes it into the mainstream media. But this week, it was rocked by a story in Wired Magazine, where two security researchers...
Privacy concept: text PRIVACY over background of cityscape at night
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you know that data privacy and security laws have become a big thing worldwide. Between Europe’s GDPR...
GDPR Compliance: Is Your Business Ready?
If you conduct business in Europe, May 2018 will be an important date. This is when the planned introduction of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is scheduled...
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In a world where millions of customer and contact records are commonly stolen, how do you keep your data safe? First, lock the door to your office. Now you’re good,...
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