The Business of Batches

We often hear the question, “What is the difference between your Batch services and your Real-Time XML Web Services? Hopefully these key points will help shed some light on the matter.

Can I order a Batch for any of your services? With the exception of only a few services, the majority of DOTS Services are offered in both Real-Time XML and as Batch processes.

Is the data different? The data returned is exactly the same, only the manner in which it is received is different:

1) Real-Time Services return the data via the Web in an XML string using standard Internet protocols.

2) Batches are manually processed most commonly in CSV (comma separated values) or Excel formats. The data output is the same as the Real-Time Services, it’s just appended within the file.

What is your pricing for Batch services? Batch pricing is identical to its Real-Time counterpart – simply use the same pricing tiers that are on the Web site. The only difference in pricing can be found in the setup fees. Each Batch we process has a $125 batch handling fee per file, while Real-Time Services have a one-time set-up fee of $95.

How do I send in my Batch to be processed? Justsend your Batch file to your friendly Service Objects representative or use the online Batch upload tool on our Web site which can be found here.

DOTS Batch Services are a convenient, fast, and easy solution. Contact us today to see how we can help scrub your database clean of bogus information.

Thank you for reading this week and I hope that I have answered all of your questions!

Will E.