Using Business Logic with Validation Tools

According to Investopedia, business logic is defined as “the custom rules or algorithms that handle the exchange of information between a database and user interface.”

In the world of data quality, you can often leverage business logic to substantially increase the value of results you get back from external solutions like Service Objects validation tools. Helping us understand your use cases is the first step to creating impactful business logic coupled with our validation services. In this blog, we would like to share a few simple examples of how this works in some of our customers’ businesses, increasing their productivity and reducing wasted resources.

Case #1: Where do the leads go?

A marketing lead is a marketing lead, right? Wrong. That lead could be a hot prospect, luke-warm opportunity that requires nurturing or a bogus customer who signed up under a false name to obtain a marketing freebie.

Our DOTS Lead Validation service helps you sort out good leads from bad ones, analyzing over 130 data points and cross-validating contact components such as name, address, email, phone and IP address to check for the validity of the lead. This tool checks the quality and consistency of each of these components, returning a composite lead quality score ranging from 0 to 100 as well as Notes codes for specific issues, such as bad addresses or bogus names.

Using these outputs, you can create business logic to ensure your highest quality leads are automatically routed to your top-performing sales teams, leads that require nurturing are sent to your marketing automation platform and fraudulent and dead-weight leads are cleared from your sales funnel. You can also leverage these outputs to check for specific concerns common to their business, such as leads with a high risk for fraud.

Case #2: Managing deliverability

Similarly, an address is not always an address, at least in the sense of being deliverable by the US Postal Service. Some perfectly valid locations have addresses that do not receive mail from USPS, such as rural or general delivery locations. However, you still may be able to ship to these addresses using other third-party carriers, and knowing this information can be critical to executing a customer’s order.

Our DOTS Address Validation – US can easily determine when a delivery address provided is NOT deliverable via postal mail, using up-to-date data directly from USPS. Business logic or rules can then be written to handle this scenario in a number of different ways – for example:

  • At the time of entry, alert the user that their address is not deliverable and ask for a different address.
  • In real-time, determine which shippers can be used for this address and present them to the customer for them to choose.
  • Automatically assign the order to a third-party shipper that can deliver to the address provided and provide real-time pricing.
  • If the address is undeliverable, failover to our DOTS Address Detective service that can try to resolve or recommend the correct address (although it still may not be deliverable by USPS).

Case #3: Targeted marketing

Contact addresses are a goldmine of associated data, including their geographic location as well as demographic information for people who reside in this area.

Using products such as our DOTS Address Insight and DOTS Demographics Plus, you can target marketing efforts around data such as education, median income, ethnicity, age distribution, and much more. This data can combine with your business logic to target custom offers or information to specific markets. For example, you can use average salary information to craft a financially appropriate product or offering to the area.

Putting validation data to work for you

Service Objects data validation products offer a tremendous range of capabilities for verifying, cleaning and appending data to your contact data. But when you integrate these tools with your business automation platforms, using API interfaces and business logic, you gain the ability to leverage these results for your unique business needs.

We are experts at how to integrate these tools with the unique needs of your business. Want to discuss your specific situation? Contact one of our experienced data professionals any time.