Name | Type | Values | Description |
DPV Codes | String | 1-4 | Number that correlates to a DPV (Delivery Point Validation) result. An indicator displaying whether or not the address is recognized as deliverable by the USPS. |
DPV Notes | String | Varies | Details about the DPV result. |
ambiguityResolvedByAlternateSource | Boolean | True/False | Indicates if the ambiguous address was resolved by an alternate source. |
corroborations | Integer | 0-2 | The number of alternate data sources in agreement on the resulting address. |
locationNotFoundInUSPSData | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address was not found in USPS data. |
secondaryAddedBySuiteLink | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the secondary address was added by SuiteLink. |
secondaryAddedByAlternateSource | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the secondary address was added by AlternateSource. |
secondaryChangedByAlternateSource | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the secondary address was changed by AlternateSource. |
isUniqueZipCode | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a unique zip code. |
isVacantLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is vacant. |
isReturningMail | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is currently returning mail. |
isMilitaryLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a military location, such as a military base. |
isGeneralDelivery | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is in a general delivery location. |
isPostOfficeBoxLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a PO Box Location. |
isCMRALocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a CMRA Location. |
isCMRALocationMissingPMB | Boolean | True/False | Indicates if the CMRA location is missing PMB. |
isFreightForwarderLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a Freight Forwarder Location. |
isPrisonLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a Prison. |
isHotelLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is a Hotel. |
isResidentialLocation | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is residential. |
preDirectionalAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the preDirectional was added to the address. |
preDirectionalChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the preDirectional was changed. |
preDirectionalRemoved | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the preDirectional was removed. |
postDirectionalAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the postDirectional was added. |
postDirectionalChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the postDirectional was changed. |
postDirectionalRemoved | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the postDirectional was removed. |
suffixAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that a suffix was added to the address. |
suffixChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address has a changed suffix. |
streetNameChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address’ street name was changed. |
cityAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that a city was added to the address. |
cityChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address’ city was changed. |
stateAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that a state was added to the address. |
stateChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the state was changed for this address. |
zipAdded | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that a ZIP code was added to this address. |
zipChanged | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address’ ZIP was changed. |
zip4Added | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the +4 ZIP was added to the address. |
zip4Changed | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the ZIP+4 has been changed. |
streetAliasUsed | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is using a street alias. |
cityAliasUsed | Boolean | True/False | Indicates that the address is using an alias for the city. |