Address Status

InvalidFor addresses where postal and/or street level data is available, and the street was not found, bad building number, etc.
InvalidFormatFor addresses where Postal data is unavailable and only format is known, but does not match format
InvalidAmbiguousFor possibly valid addresses that may be correctable, but ultimately failed validation.
ValidFor addresses with postal level data that passed validation.
ValidInferredFor addresses where potentially far reaching corrections/changes were made to infer the return address.
ValidApproximateFor addresses where premise data is unavailable and interpolation was performed, ex. Canadian addresses
ValidFormatFor addresses where Postal data is unavailable and only format is known, and matches the known format

Address ResolutionLevel

DPVDelivery Point Validation – An indicator displaying whether or not the address is recognized as deliverable by the USPS.
PremiseIndicates that the address was validated using premise level data.
StreetIndicates that the address was validated using street level data.
PostalCodeIndicates that the address was validated using Postal Code level data.
LocalityIndicates that the address was validated using Locality level data.
AdministrativeAreaIndicates that the address was validated using Administrative Area (region, province, county, etc.) level data.
AddressFormatOnlyIndicates that only the address format was validated.