- C#
- Java
- RoR
- Python
- ColdFusion
- VB
- Apex
- NodeJS
Address Geocode – US C# Code Snippet
GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient client = new GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient(); GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient clientbackup = new GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient(); GCRService.Location_V4 response = new GCRService.Location_V4(); try { response = client.GetBestMatch_V4(Address.Text, City.Text, State.Text, PostalCode.Text, LicenseKey.Text); if (response == null || (response.Error != null && response.Error.Number == "4")) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { response = clientbackup.GetBestMatch_V4(Address.Text, City.Text, State.Text, PostalCode.Text, LicenseKey.Text); } if (response.Error == null) { ProcessValidResponse(response); } else { ProcessErrorResponse(response.Error); }
Address Geocode – US Java Code Snippet
GCRSoapServiceLocator locator = new GCRSoapServiceLocator(); //use ssl locator.setDOTSGeoCoderEndpointAddress("https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc/SOAP"); IGCRSoapService gcr = locator.getDOTSGeoCoder(); DOTSGeoCoderStub soap = (DOTSGeoCoderStub)gcr; soap.setTimeout(5000); try { outputs = soap.getBestMatch_V4(address, city, state, postalcode, licenseKey); gcrerror = outputs.getError(); if(gcrerror !=null && gcrerror.getNumber() == "4") { throw new Exception(); } } catch(Exception e) { //FAILOVER- USE BACKUP NOW try{ //CALL SOAP USING BACKUP URL (Change the endpoint) outputs = soap.getBestMatch_V4(address, city, state, postalcode, licenseKey); gcrerror = outputs.getError(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Both Primary and Backup soap calls failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } } }
Address Geocode – US PHP Code Snippet
$URL = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc?singleWsdl"; //use backup url once given purchased license key $backupURL = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc?singleWsdl"; $client = new SoapClient($URL); //$soapClient = new SoapClient($URL, array( "trace" => 1 )); $outputs = $client->GetBestMatch_V4($params)->GetBestMatch_V4Result; if (empty($outputs)) { $backupClient = new SoapClient($backupURL); $outputs = $client->GetBestMatch_V4($params)->GetBestMatch_V4Result; }
Address Geocode – US RoR Code Snippet
dotsGCRPrimary = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl" dotsGCRBackup = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl" begin #initializes the soap client. The convert request keys global is necessary to receive a response from the service. client = Savon.client( wsdl: dotsGCRPrimary, element_form_default: :qualified, convert_request_keys_to: :camelcase ) #Calls the with given inptus and converts response to a hash. response = client.call(:get_best_match_v4, message: message).to_hash #Checks to see what results came back from the service processresults(response) #If an error occurs during the call, this will use the Backup url and attempt to retrieve data. rescue Savon::Error => e begin backupclient = Savon.client( wsdl: dotsGCRBackup, element_form_default: :qualified, convert_request_keys_to: :camelcase ) #Sets the response to the backclient call to the operation and converts response to a hash. response = backupclient.call(:get_best_match_v4, message: message).to_hash processresults(response) #If the backup url failed, this will display the error received from the server rescue Savon::Error =>error @status = error @displaydata = {"error" => "A Big Error Occured"} end end
Address Geocode – US Python Code Snippet
mAddress = Address.get() if mAddress is None or mAddress == "": mAddress = " " mCity = City.get() if mCity is None or mCity == "": mCity = " " mState = State.get() if mState is None or mState == "": mState = " " mPostalCode = PostalCode.get() if mPostalCode is None or mPostalCode == "": mPostalCode = " " mLicenseKey = LicenseKey.get() if mLicenseKey is None or mLicenseKey == "": mLicenseKey = " " #Set the primary and backup URLs as needed primaryURL = 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl' backupURL = 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl' #This block of code calls the web service and prints the resulting values to the screen try: client = Client(primaryURL) result = client.service.GetBestMatch_V4(Address=mAddress, City=mCity, State=mState, PostalCode=mPostalCode, LicenseKey=mLicenseKey) #Loops through either the error result or proper result and displays values to the screen. if hasattr(result, 'Error') : for value in result.Error: Label(swin.window, text=str(value[0]) + " : " + str(value[1]) if value[1] else str(value[0])+": None").pack() #If a valid response was received from this service, this will print the result else: for value in result: if value[0] != 'InformationComponents': Label(swin.window, text=str(value[0]) + ": " + str(value[1]) if str(value[1]) else str(value[0]) + " : None").pack() if "InformationComponents" in result: infoComponent = result.InformationComponents.InformationComponent for i in range(0, len(infoComponent)): Label(swin.window, text=str(infoComponent[i].Name) + ": " + str(infoComponent[i].Value)).pack()
Address Geocode – US ColdFusion Code Snippet
<cfscript> try { if (isDefined("form.Action") AND Action neq "") { wsresponse = CreateObject("webservice", "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl"); outputs = wsresponse.getBestMatch_V4("#Address#", "#City#", "#State#", "#PostalCode#" ,"#LicenseKey#"); } } catch(any Exception){ try { if (isDefined("form.Action") AND Action neq "") { wsresponse = CreateObject("webservice", "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl"); outputs = wsresponse.getBestMatch_V4("#Address#", "#City#", "#State#", "#PostalCode#" ,"#LicenseKey#"); } } catch(any Exception) { writeoutput("An Error Has Occured. Please Reload and try again #Exception.message#"); } } </cfscript>
Address Geocode – US Visual Basic Code Snippet
Try Dim ws As New GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient Dim response As GCRService.Location_V4 response = ws.GetBestMatch_V4(Address.Text, City.Text, State.Text, PostalCode.Text, LicenseKey.Text) If (response.Error Is Nothing) Then ProcessValidResponse(response) Else ProcessErrorResponse(response.Error) End If Catch ''Set the Primary and Backup Service References as necessary Try Dim wsbackup As New GCRService.GCRSoapServiceClient Dim response As GCRService.Location_V4 response = wsbackup.GetBestMatch_V4(Address.Text, City.Text, State.Text, PostalCode.Text, LicenseKey.Text) If (response.Error Is Nothing) Then ProcessValidResponse(response) Else ProcessErrorResponse(response.Error) End If Catch ex As Exception resultsLabel.Visible = True resultsLabel.Text = ex.Message End Try End Try
Address Geocode – US Apex Code Snippet
wwwServiceobjectsCom.Location_V4 result; try{ wwwServiceobjectsCom.DOTSGeoCoder client = new wwwServiceobjectsCom.DOTSGeoCoder(); result = client.GetBestMatch_V4([Address], [City], [State], [PostalCode], [LicenseKey]); } catch(Exception ex){ //If the first request failed try the failover endpoint wwwServiceobjectsCom.DOTSGeoCoder backupClient = new wwwServiceobjectsCom.DOTSGeoCoder(); //The backup environment will be provided to you upon purchasing a production license key backupClient.endpoint_x = 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc/SOAP'; result = backupClient.GetBestMatch_V4([Address], [City], [State], [PostalCode], [LicenseKey]); }
Address Geocode – US TSQL Code Snippet
SET @requestBody ='<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">'+ '<s:Body>'+ '<GetBestMatch_V4 xmlns="https://www.serviceobjects.com">'+ '<Address>' + @address + '</Address>'+ '<City>' + @City + '</City>'+ '<State>' + @State + '</State>'+ '<PostalCode>' + @postalcode + '</PostalCode>'+ '<LicenseKey>' + @key + '</LicenseKey>'+ '</GetBestMatch_V4>'+ '</s:Body>'+ '</s:Envelope>' SET @requestLength = LEN(@requestBody) --If a production key is purchased, this will execute the failover IF @isLiveKey = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'POST', 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc/SOAP', false EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'HOST', 'sws.serviceobjects.com' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'SOAPAction', '"https://www.serviceobjects.com/IGCRSoapService/GetBestMatch_V4"' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Length', @requestLength EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', NULL, @requestBody EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'Status', @responseCode OUTPUT EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'StatusText', @statusText OUTPUT EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response OUTPUT --Checks the Response for a fatal error or if null. IF @response IS NULL BEGIN EXEC sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'POST', 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/GCR/soap.svc/SOAP', false EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'HOST', 'swsbackup.serviceobjects.com' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'SOAPAction', '"https://www.serviceobjects.com/IGCRSoapService/GetBestMatch_V4"' EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Length', @requestLength EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', NULL, @requestBody EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'Status', @responseCode OUTPUT EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'StatusText', @statusText OUTPUT EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response OUTPUT END END
Address Geocode – US NodeJS Code Snippet
var args = {Address: 'Address', City: 'City', State: 'State', PostalCode: 'PostalCode', LicenseKey: 'Your-License-Key'}; soap.createClient(primaryUrl, function(err, client) { client.GetBestMatch_V4(args, function(err, result) { //This is where you will handle the service results. Your business logic will determine //how the validated information is used. //The exact output can be found in our documentation: //https://www.serviceobjects.com/docs/dots-address-geocode-us/ if(err != null || result == null) { //There was an error that occurred that wasn't part of the normal service response return; } else{ //Check for an error object if(result.GetBestMatch_V4Result.Error != null) { //An error object was returned by the service and you will want to use //the following failover logic. //If it was a Service Objects Fatal exception we recommend trying //a backup server. if(result.GetBestMatch_V4Result.Error.Number == "4") { //The actual backup url will be provided when you purchase a license key var backupUrl = 'https://trial.serviceobjects.com/gcr/soap.svc?wsdl'; soap.createClient(backupUrl, function(failoverErr, backupClient) { backupClient.GetBestMatch_V4(args, function(failoverErr, failoverResult) { //Handle the failoverErr or failoverResult objects. return; }); }); } else{ //The Error object isn't of the type "Service Objects Fatal" so //there is no need to use the failover logic. There was some Error of //type Authorization, User Input, or Domain Specific. response.writeHead(200, "OK", {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); response.end(JSON.stringify(result)); return; } } else{ //You have a non Error response. //All of the data will reside within result.GetBestMatchesResult //As an easy to see what the service returns I am returning a JSON //serialized version as the response. response.writeHead(200, "OK", {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); response.end(JSON.stringify(result)); return; } } }); });