URL Endpoints
GetAddressInsight Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessName | String | A company name for a business, can provide additional insight to the location or append a SuiteLink value |
Address1 | String | The address line 1 of the contact or business address. |
Address2 | String | The address line 2 of the contact or business address. |
City | String | The city of the address to validate. For example, “New York”. The city isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the Zip code is required. |
State | String | The state of the address to validate. For example, “NY”. This does not need to be contracted, full state names will work as well. The state isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the Zip code is required. |
Zip | String | The zip code of the address to validate. A zip code isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the City and State are required. |
TestType | String | Currently blank or ‘census_loose’. ‘census_loose’ provides a best possible match based on census data. More test types to come in the future. |
LicenseKey | String | Your license key to use the service. This is a required value. Sign up for a free trial key at https://www.serviceobjects.com/address-insight/. |
GetAddressInsight Outputs
- AddressInsightResponse
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Status | String | Varies | An overall human readable description of the result of the set of validations. This result may change over time and is designed to provide a quick overview of the results, not meant for programming against. |
StatusScore | String | 0-100 | A 0-100 score representing the percent likelihood that the location is a good one. |
AddressStatus | String | Success/Fail | An indicator of how the location fared as it pertains to address validation. |
DPV [1] | String | 1-4 | Number that correlates to a DPV (Delivery Point Validation) result. An indicator displaying whether or not the address is recognized as deliverable by the USPS. |
DPVDesc | String | Varies | Human readable description of the DPV result. |
Address | String | Varies | The corrected and standardized first line of the given address. |
AddressExtra | String | Varies | Extraneous input address information that is NOT part of the standardized address but may provide extra insight. |
City | String | Varies | The corrected and standardized city of the given address. |
State | String | 2 character code (XX) | The corrected and standardized state of the given address. |
Zip | String | 9 digit number(XXXXX-XXXX) | The corrected and standardized nine digit zip code of the given address. |
BarcodeDigits [2] | String | 12 digit number | The twelve digit post office delivery barcode digits. |
CarrierRoute | String | 4 character code (XXXX) | 4 chars: 1 for the route type, 3 for the route code. Identifies a group of addresses when prepended by 5-digit Zip. |
CongressCode | String | XX | The congress code of the given address. |
CountyName | String | Varies | The county name of the given address. |
FragmentHouse | String | Varies | The parsed house number of the given address. |
FragmentPreDir | String | N,S,E,W, NW,NE,SW,SE | The parsed pre-directional of the address’s street. “North” in “North Main St West”. |
FragmentStreet | String | Varies | The parsed name of the street in the given address. “Main” in “North Main St West”. |
FragmentSuffix | String | Varies | The parsed suffix of the street in the given address. “St” in “North Main St West”. |
FragmentPostDir | String | N,S,E,W, NW,NE,SW,SE | The parsed post-directional of the address’s street. “West” in “North Main St West”. |
FragmentUnit | String | Varies | The parsed type of the apartment, box, unit, etc. “Apt” in “Main St, Apt B” |
FragmentUnitNumber | String | Varies | The parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the given address. “B” in “Main St, Apt B” |
FragmentPMBPrefix | String | Varies | The parsed type of personal mail box. “PMB” in “Main St, Apt B PMB 150” |
FragmentPMBNumber | String | Varies | The parsed number of the personal mailbox. “150” in “Main St, Apt B PMB 150” |
Corrections | String | Varies | Number that correlates to a Corrections Description. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. |
CorrectionsDesc | String | Varies | Description of what was corrected in an address. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. |
AddressNotes | String | Varies | A comma separated string of numbers representing informative findings about the address as it pertains to Address Validation. See AddressNotes table below for more detailed description. |
AddressNotesCodes | String | Varies | A comma separated string of human readable descriptions for the AddressNotes. See AddressNotes table below for more detailed description. |
GeocodeStatus | String | Success/Fail | An indicator of how the location fared as it pertains to the geolocation of said location. |
LocationLatitude | String | Decimal Number | The closest geocoding latitude match of the given address. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. See GeocodeNotes for levels. |
LocationLongitude | String | Decimal Number | The closest longitude match of the given address. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. See GeocodeNotes |
CensusTract | String | 6 digit decimal (XXXX.XX) | The Census Tract of the given address. |
CensusBlock | String | 4 digit number (XXXX) | The Census Block of the given address. |
PlaceName | String | Varies | The PlaceName of the location as it pertains to geolocation. May be more exact than USPS returned City information as those designations exist to ease postal deliveries and not to return precise results. |
ClassFP | String | Alpha-Numeric (XX) | A code that defines the current class of the geographic location. |
SLDUST | String | Varies | Current state legislative district upper (senate) chamber code. |
SLDLST | String | Varies | Current state legislative district lower (house) chamber code |
CountyFIPS | String | 3 digit number (XXX) | County FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identify counties across the US. |
StateFIPS | String | 2 digit number (XX) | State FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identity states |
GeocodeNotes | String | Varies | A comma separated string of numbers representing informative findings about the address as it pertains to Location Geocoding. See GeocodeNotes table below for more detailed description. |
GeocodeNotesCodes | String | Varies | A comma separated string of human readable descriptions for the GeocodeNotes. See GeocodeNotes table below for more detailed description. |
ZipStatus | String | Success/Fail | An indidcator of success in returning demographics/census data for the given zip code. |
ZipLatitude | String | Number | A zip centroid Latitude. |
ZipLongitude | String | Number | A zip centroid Longitude. |
CityType | String | N, P, U, B, A, C, S, K | The city type of the given zip code. The code refers to the type of postal station in a given zip code. See table below for descriptions for each of the codes. |
CityAliasName | String | Varies | A common alternative city name for the given location. |
AreaCode | String | Varies | Contains one or more area codes associated with the zip code. e.g. zip code: 74570 has 4 and will return: “918/405/539/580” |
TimeZone | String | 1 digit number (X) | The number of hours offset from GMT. 5 = Eastern time zone, 8 = Pacific time zone, etc. |
DaylightSaving | String | Y or N | Whether the given zip code observes DayLight Savings time. |
MSA | String | Varies | The Metropolitan Statistical Area Code. Used to uniquely identify a geographic area with a relatively high population density at its core. |
CBSA | String | Varies | The Core Based Statistical Area Code. A code used to identify an urban center of at least 10,000 people and adjacent areas that are socioeconomically tied to the urban center. |
CBSA_Div | String | Varies | |
PMSA | String | Varies | The Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area code. Used to uniquely identify areas that are part of a larger urban center. |
DMA | String | Varies | The Designated Market Area code. Used to uniquely identify a geographic region that receive the same(or similar) TV and radio show programs. |
ZipHouseholdValue | String | Number | Average value of houses in the zip code |
ZipPersonsPerHousehold | String | Number | Average number of persons per household in the zip code |
ZipHouseholdIncome | String | Number | Average Income per household in the zip code |
CountyHouseholdIncome | String | Number | Average Income per household in the country of the zip code |
StateHouseholdIncome | String | Number | Average Income per household in the state of the zip code |
ZipNotes | String | A comma separated string of numbers representing informative findings about the zip code. See ZipNotes table below for more detailed description. | |
ZipNotesCodes | String | A comma separated string of human readable descriptions for the ZipNotes. See ZipNotes table below for more detailed description. | |
Error | Error | Varies | The error object containing information about the error returned. |