Most likely, the sample code cannot connect to Service Objects…

Many environments will not allow you to connect out on port 80, or will clip out XML data from these requests/responses. The easiest way to check for this is to open a browser on the machine running the sample code. In your browser, navigate to:

AVI – Service Reference

Then try to run one of the operations with your trial key. If you get a browser error, or get no data back, then the sample code isn’t able to connect either. Contact your systems administrator to resolve why you are not able to connect to Service Objects.

DOTS Address Validation International doesn’t know about every address, especially empty lots or new streets…

Often, it won’t be able to validate these locations. In general, we are as good as the USPS at identifying addresses. If they have an address we don’t, we will have it within 30 days after our monthly update is run.


Although it will only display this information for US addresses. This will be displayed in the “InformationComponents” array returned from the service.

If an address is invalid or improperly formatted, the “Status” field will display a corresponding value indicating information about the validity of the address.

Please email us at, and we’ll send you the exact field length specifications…

As a general rule, you won’t get a field longer than 80 characters.

We’ll update our information monthly, but in some special situations, we may update it more frequently.

We’ll update our information monthly, but in some special situations, we may update it more frequently.


  1. 5 Commonly Used Terms and Definitions in International Address Validation Systems
  2. AVI Address Output: We Speak Your Language
  3. Understanding Addresses in the United Kingdom
  4. Understanding Addresses in Australia
  5. Thinking Alternatively About Place Names
  6. Delivery Point Validation Explained
  7. The Challenge of Storing International Addresses
  8. Status and Resolution Levels in Address Validation International
  9. How to Validate International Addresses