Returns parsed and validated address elements including Delivery Point Validation (DPV), Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI), and Suite data. ValidateAddress will attempt to validate the input address against a CASS approved engine and make corrections where possible. Depending on the mode being used, in addition to the USPS data source, supplemental data sources are employed to help validate addresses. Mode 3 also incorporates person name and phone number to assist with validation. The service easily integrated using our OpenAPI specification or simply by making REST calls to the operation. The response structure in the REST calls is of JSON format.

URL Endpoints

ValidateAddress Inputs

ModeStringYesMode 1 – is for doing the standard validation as it always has with USPS datasets and expert address validation techniques.
Mode 2 – uses standard rules plus aggregated non-USPS datasets.
Mode 3 – enhanced rules plus name and phone assisted address nudging, using proprietary data.
Address1StringYesThe address line 1 of the contact or business address.
Address2StringNoThe address line 2 of the contact or business address.
CityStringNoThe city of the address to validate. 
For example, “Austin”. The city isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the ZIP code is required.
StateStringNoThe state of the address to validate.  For example, “TX”.  This does not need to be contracted, full state names will work as well.  The state isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the ZIP code is required.
ZIPStringNoThe ZIP code of the address to validate.  A ZIP code isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the City and State are required.
BusinessNameStringNoA company name for a business, can provide additional insight to the location or append a SuiteLink value.
FullNameStringNo(Not currently applicable) FUTURE FEATURE.
FirstNameStringNoContact’s first name. (Only applicable in mode 3)
MiddleNameStringNoContact’s middle name. (Only applicable in mode 3)
LastNameStringNoContact’s last name. (Only applicable in mode 3)
PhoneNumberStringNoThe phone number for the contact associated with the address. (Only applicable in mode 3)
OptionsStringNo(Not currently applicable) FUTURE FEATURE.
AuthIDStringNoLicense key to use the service. 

ValidateAddress Outputs


The status is the overall level of what were able to determine during the validation process. See Status.
addressesAddressInfo[]Array of AddressInfo objectsReturns an array of AddressInfo, which contains the details for the validated address. In most cases only one address should be returned, but in cases of ambiguity multiple AddressInfo objects will be returned. Even though this is a verification service first and foremost, it is considered a value add to return the list of ambiguous addresses to the end user for them to decide on how they would like to proceed.
parsedInputParsedInputInfoA single object type This is the parsing of the inputs sent to the operation for validation.


ratingString0-100The A 0-100 confidence score representing the percent likelihood that the address is a good one for the validationType that it was matched on.
Indicates the level at which the address was validated. See Validation Types.
addressStringVariesThe corrected and standardized first line of the given address.
addressExtraStringVariesExtraneous input address information that is NOT part of the standardized address but may provide extra insight.
cityStringVariesThe corrected and standardized city of the given address.
stateString2 character code (XX)The corrected and standardized state of the given address.
zipString9 digit number(XXXXX-XXXX)The corrected and standardized nine digit ZIP code of the given address.
countyNameStringVariesThe county name of the given address.
primaryNumberStringVariesThe parsed house number of the given address.
preDirectionalStringVariesThe parsed pre-directional of the address’s street. “North” in “North Main St West”.
postDirectionalStringN,S,E,W, NW,NE,SW,SEThe parsed post-directional of the address’s street. “West” in “North Main St West”.
streetNameStringVariesThe parsed name of the street in the given address. “Main” in “North Main St West”.
streetSuffixStringVariesThe parsed suffix of the street in the given address. “St” in “North Main St West”.
secondaryTypeStringVariesThe parsed type of the apartment, box, unit, etc. “Apt” in “Main St, Apt B”.
secondaryNumberStringVariesTThe parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the given address. “B” in “Main St, Apt B”.
pmbTypeStringVariesThe parsed type of personal mail box. “PMB” in “Main St, Apt B PMB 150”.
pmbNumberStringVariesThe parsed number of the personal mailbox. “150” in “Main St, Apt B PMB 150”.
barcodeDigitsString12 digit numberThe twelve digit post office delivery barcode digits.
carrierRouteString4 character code (XXXX)4 chars: 1 for the route type, 3 for the route code. Identifies a group of addresses when prepended by 5-digit ZIP.
congressCodeString2 character code (XX)The congress code of the given address.
addressNotesList of mixed typesVariesThis is a list of notes about the address and attributes associated to it as well as indicators that show what was corrected or removed during validation. See Address Notes table below for more detailed description. Address notes can have potential of additions in the future.


addressStringVariesThe first line of the input address.
addressExtraStringVariesExtraneous input address information.
cityStringVariesThe city of the input address.
stateStringVariesThe state of the input address.
zipStringVariesThe ZIP code of the input address.
primaryNumberStringVariesThe parsed house number of the input address.
preDirectionalStringVariesThe parsed pre-directional of the input address’s street. “North” in “North Main St West”.
postDirectionalStringN,S,E,W, NW,NE,SW,SEThe parsed post-directional of the input address’s street. “West” in “North Main St West”.
streetNameStringVariesThe parsed name of the street in the input address. “Main” in “North Main St West”.
streetSuffixStringVariesThe parsed suffix of the street in the input address. “St” in “North Main St West”.
secondaryTypeStringVariesThe parsed type of the input apartment, box, unit, etc. “Apt” in “Main St, Apt B”.
secondaryNumberStringVariesThe parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the input address. “B” in “Main St, Apt B”.
phoneNumberStringVariesThe input phone number.
firstNameStringVariesThe parsed input first name.
middleNameStringVariesThe parsed input middle name.
lastNameStringVariesThe parsed input last name.