
AddressGoodThe resulting address is good and considered to be complete.
PrimaryGoodThe address is missing secondary (sub-premise) number information, but the information from the primary number and out is the valid part of the address.
BlockGoodThe primary number resides within the block’s known number range for the street, but it is not known to be deliverable according to our data sources.
StreetGoodThis indicates that the primary number could not be found for the address, but the rest of the address could be verified.
AreaGoodThe city, state and zip combo are known to be good.

* If your inputs have a name and/or phone number and we return a result we are not indicating that the result is necessarily relative to the person or phone number. For example, when we return the ValidationType of ‘AreaGood’ and the input included the name and/or phone number it doesn’t suggest that the resulting information is relative to that name and/or phone number.