Our Lead Validation service cross-validates, corrects and scores over 130 key data points to help your business more accurately identify quality leads for US and Canada. Works with leading CRM and marketing automation platforms.
This document defines the input, output, and behavior of the web services in LV.
Important Note!
Lead Validation cannot determine the complete validity of a lead 100% of the time. Often, unlisted phone numbers, cell phone numbers, very rare names, rural or new addresses, and the like will cause either neutral or negative shifts in a lead’s validity. LV provides a baseline guide of a lead’s quality that must be taken with serious consideration.
URL Endpoints
ValidateLead_V3 Inputs
- TestType and LicenseKey are the only required inputs, if they are missing or incorrect ValidateLead_V3 will throw an error. All other inputs are optional, but missing key data without a test type that accounts for it could cause tests to fail and potentially greatly impact the resulting score. (e.g. Omitting Name will cause all name tests to fail as well as name to email tests, name to phone tests, etc…)
Name | Type | Length | Description |
FullName | String | 60 | The contact’s full name. e.g. Jane Doe |
Salutation | String | 10 | Salutation of the contact. Dr, Esq, Mr, Mrs etc |
FirstName | String | 60 | First name of the contact. e.g. Jane |
LastName | String | 60 | Last name of the contact. e.g. Doe |
BusinessName | String | 60 | The contacts company. e.g. Service Objects |
BusinessDomain | String | 60 | Website domain associated with the business. e.g. serviceobjects.com |
BusinessEIN | String | 60 | Represents the Company Tax Number. Used for Tax exempt checks for US leads. |
Address1 | String | 60 | The address 1 of the contact or business address. |
Address2 | String | 60 | The address 2 of the contact or business address. |
Address3 | String | 60 | The address 3 of the contact or business address. |
Address4 | String | 60 | The address 4 of the contact or business address. |
Address5 | String | 60 | The address 5 of the contact or business address. |
Locality | String | 60 | The city of the contact’s postal address. |
AdminArea | String | 60 | The state of the contact’s postal address. |
PostalCode | String | 20 | The zip code of the contact’s postal address. |
Country | String | 60 | The country of the contact’s postal address. e.g. United States, US or USA |
Phone1 | String | 20 | The contact’s primary phone number. |
Phone2 | String | 20 | The contact’s secondary phone number. |
String | 60 | The contact’s email address. | |
IPAddress | String | 45 | The contact’s IP address in IPv4. (IPv6 coming in a future release) |
Gender | String | 10 | Male, Female or Neutral |
DateOfBirth | String | 10 | The contact’s date of birth |
UTCCaptureTime | String | 10 | The time the lead was submitted |
OutputLanguage | String | 20 | Language field indicating what language some of the output information will be. |
TestType [1] | String | 20 | The name of the type of validation you want to perform on this contact. |
LicenseKey | String | 20 | Your license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial key at https://www.serviceobjects.com/lead-validation/ |
ValidateLead_V3 Outputs
- All of the response objects are contained within the ValidateLead_V3 object.
Name | Type | Length | Values | Description |
OverallCertainty | string | 3 | Varies | A value that represents the overall certainty that the service provided on the lead. This value will range from 0 to 100. |
OverallQuality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the lead should be rejected, reviewed or accepted |
LeadType | string | 10 | Residential, Business or Unknown | Indicates the classification that the service made for the lead. |
LeadCountry | string | 3 | Varies | The country associated with the lead, given as an ISO 2. |
NoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of descriptive notes |
NoteDesc | string | – | Varies | Descriptions that correspond to the NoteCodes section |
NameCertainty | string | 3 | Varies | Score between 0 and 100 that indicates the probability that the given name is valid. |
NameQuality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the given name should be rejected, reviewed or accepted. |
FirstName | string | 60 | Varies | The first name with diacritic characters. |
LastName | string | 60 | Varies | The last name with diacritic characters. |
FirstNameClean | string | 60 | Varies | The first name of the lead without diacritic characters. |
LastNameClean | string | 60 | Varies | The last name of the lead without diacritic characters. |
NameNoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of codes indicating further information about the name field. |
NameNotesDesc | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of descriptive notes that correspond to the NameNoteCodes field. |
AddressCertainty | string | 3 | Varies | Score between 0 and 100 that indicates the validity of the given address. |
AddressQuality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the given address should be rejected, reviewed or accepted |
Address1 | string | 60 | Varies | The validated Address line 1 |
Address2 | string | 60 | Varies | The validated Address line 2 |
Address3 | string | 60 | Varies | The validated Address line 3 |
Address4 | string | 60 | Varies | The validated Address line 4 |
Address5 | string | 60 | Varies | The validated Address line 5 |
AddressLocality | string | 60 | Varies | The locality associated with the given input address. Usually corresponds to the city. |
AddressAdminArea | string | 60 | Varies | The Admin Area tied with the input address. Usually corresponds to the State or Province. |
AddressPostalCode | string | 20 | Varies | The Postal Code tied to the given input address. |
AddressCountry | string | 60 | Varies | 2 Character ISO code for the country |
AddressNoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of codes indicating additional information about the given address. |
AddressNoteDesc | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of descriptive notes that are associated with the AddressNoteCodes field. |
EmailCertainty | string | 3 | Varies | Score between 0 and 100 that indicates the validity of a given email address |
EmailQuality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the given email address should be rejected, reviewed or accepted |
EmailCorrected | string | 60 | Varies | The email used for testing including any corrections that were made. |
EmailNoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of codes indicating additional information about the given email address |
EmailNoteDesc | string | – | Varies | List of descriptions associated with the EmailNoteCodes field. |
IPAddressCertainty | string | 3 | Varies | Score between 0 and 100 that indicates the validity of a given IP address. |
IPAddressQuality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the given IP address should be rejected, reviewed or accepted |
IPCountry | string | 60 | Varies | Country ISO 2 code associated with the given IP address |
IPLocality | string | 60 | Varies | The locality associated with the given IP address |
IPAdminArea | string | – | Varies | Administrative area associated with the given IP address |
IPNoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Enumerated list of codes indicating additional information about the given IP address |
IPNoteDesc | string | – | Varies | Descriptions associated with the IPNoteCodes that indicate additional information about a given IP address |
Phone1Certainty | string | 3 | Varies | Score between 0 and 100 that indicates the validity of the phone number in the Phone1 field. |
Phone1Quality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | A field indicating whether the Phone1 input should be rejected, reviewed or accepted. |
Phone1Locality | string | 60 | Varies | Locality associated with the given IP address |
Phone1AdminArea | string | 60 | Varies | The administrative area associated with the given phone number. |
Phone1Country | string | 3 | Varies | The Country ISO 2 code associated with the given phone number in the Phone1 field. |
Phone1NoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Note codes containing additional |
Phone1NoteDesc | string | – | Varies | Descriptions that correlate with the codes given in the Note Codes field |
Phone2Certainty | string | 3 | Varies | Not currently used |
Phone2Quality | string | 10 | Reject, Review or Accept | Not currently used |
Phone2Locality | string | 60 | Varies | Not currently used |
Phone2AdminArea | string | 60 | Varies | Not currently used |
Phone2Country | string | 3 | Varies | Not currently used |
Phone2NoteCodes | string | – | Varies | Not currently used |
Phone2NoteDesc | string | – | Varies | Not currently used |
PhoneContact | PhoneContact | – | Varies | The contact information associated with the phone number |
InformationComponents | InformationComponent[] | – | Varies | An array of key value pairs that contain additional fields and information not defined in the original output schema of the API. |
Error | Error | – | Varies | See “Errors“. |
- PhoneContact Type
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Name | String | Varies | The contact’s full name. |
Address | String | Varies | The contact’s postal address. |
City | String | Varies | The city of the contact’s postal address. |
State | String | Varies | The state of the contact’s postal address. |
Zip | String | Varies | The zip code of the contact’s postal address. |
Type | String | RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS UNKNOWN | The contacts phone type. |
- InformationComponent
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Name | srtring | Varies | The component name of the Name-Value pair |
Value | srtring | Varies | The component value of the Name-Value pair. |