GetNCOALinkSummaryReport Inputs

JobIdStringThe client-created ID for your Job.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service. 
Sign up for a free trial key at

GetNCOALinkSummaryReport Outputs 

CustomerPAFIdStringVariesThe PAF Id assigned to the client after registration.
MailerCompanyNameStringVariesThe name of the registered company.
ListNameStringVariesThe name of the list.
ProcessingCategoryStringVaries(probably always NORMAL)
PreProcessesPerformedFlagStringVariesFlag detailing the type of Pre-processes performed.
ConcurrentProcessesPerformedFlagStringVariesFlag detailing the type of concurrent processes
PostProcessesPerformedFlagStringVariesFlag detailing the type of post-processes performed.
StandardOutputReturnedFlagStringVariesFlag indicating if all output was provided to the client.
MatchingLogicAppliedFlagStringVariesType of matching logic used (e.g. Individual or
Business logic, or both)
DataReturnedFlagStringC, F, SIndicates whether COA data is returned.
ClassOfMailStringA-OClass of mail to be used for mailings produced from
customer mailing list
DateProcessingCompletedStringYYYYmmddCompletion date of the batch.
DateListReturnedToCustomerStringVariesDate that list was provided to the client.
TotalNumberOfRecordsProcessedStringVariesTotal records processed in batch.
TotalNumberOfRecordsMatchedNCOALinkStringVariesTotal records that returned NCOA data.
TotalNumberOfRecordsMatchedANKLinkStringVariesTotal records that returned ANK (Attempted Not
Known) data. Return to sender.
TotalNumberOfRecordsZip4CodedStringVariesTotal Zip+4 found.
TotalNumberOfRecordsDPVConfirmedStringVariesTotal DPV matches found.
TotalNumberOfRecordsMatchedLACSLinkStringVariesTotal LACSLink matches found.
TotalNumberOfRecordsMatchedSuiteLinkStringVariesTotal SuiteLink matches found.
MovedNewAddressProvided_00_03StringVariesTotal new addresses found that were <= 3
months old.
MovedNewAddressProvided_04_06StringVariesTotal new addresses found between 4 and 6 months
MovedNewAddressProvided_07_12StringVariesTotal new addresses found between 7 and 12 months
MovedNewAddressProvided_13_18StringVariesTotal new addresses found between 13 and 18 months old.
MovedNewAddressProvided_19_OnStringVariesTotal new addresses found >= 19 months old.
MovedNoNewAddressProvided_00_03StringVariesTotal matches without new addresses provided <= 3 months old.
MovedNoNewAddressProvided_04_06StringVariesTotal matches without new addresses provided
between 4 and 6 months old.
MovedNoNewAddressProvided_07_12StringVariesTotal matches without new addresses provided
between 7 and 12 months old.
MovedNoNewAddressProvided_13_18StringVariesTotal matches without new addresses provided
between 13 and 18 months old.
MovedNoNewAddressProvided_19_OnStringVariesTotal matches without new addresses provided >=19 months old.
MovedUnableToProvideNewAddress_00_03StringVariesTotal matches with problematic return addresses <=
3 months old.
MovedUnableToProvideNewAddress_04_06StringVariesTotal matches problematic return address between 4
and 6 months old.
MovedUnableToProvideNewAddress_07_12StringVariesTotal matches problematic return address between 7
and 12 months old.
MovedUnableToProvideNewAddress_13_18StringVariesTotal matches problematic return address between 13
and 18 months old.
MovedUnableToProvideNewAddress_19_OnStringVariesTotal matches problematic return address >= 19
months old.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not
return a result. See “Errors” page.
