BusinessPhoneAppend returns a phone number based on provided inputs. The minimum required inputs are BusinessName City State.

URL Endpoints 

BusinessPhoneAppend Inputs

BusinessNameStringThe Business Name of the contact to return the telephone number.
AddressStringThe Address of the contact to return the telephone number.
CityStringThe City of the contact to return the telephone number.
StateStringThe State of the contact to return the telephone number.
Postal CodeStringThe Postal Code of the contact to return the telephone number.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service.
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BusinessPhoneAppend Outputs

PhoneStringThe landline phone number matching the found contact.
NameStringThe Name of the person matching the found contact.
AddressStringThe Address of the person matching the found contact.
CityStringThe City of the person matching the found contact.
StateStringThe State of the person matching the found contact.
PostalCodeStringThe Postal Code of the person matching the found contact.
IsResidentialStringA determination of the matching contact is a business number or not.
CertaintyStringA rating scale of the accuracy of the matching contact given the supplied inputs. Values can be “Low” “Medium” or “High”
LineTypeStringA determination of the phone carrier line type. Possible values are “Landline”, “Wireless”, “VOIP”, or “Unknown”. This operation favors landline results but does have the opportunity to return a small percentage of wireless numbers.
DebugStringAn internal field used for testing our services.
ErrorErrorSee Errors