Our International Phone Validation service returns comprehensive carrier and exchange information, including ported status, SMS and MMS details and identifies high-risk VOIP and prepay phones.

URL Endpoint

GetPhoneDetails Inputs

PhoneStringRequiredA variable digit phone number.
CountryStringRequiredThe location the phone number is in: 1-3 digit Country Calling Code, ISO2, ISO3, Country Name.*
OptionsStringOptionalComma separated list of possible options.
AuthIDStringRequiredYour authentication identification provided by Service Objects.

Sign up for a free trial key at https://www.serviceobjects.com/phone-insight/
* – Either one of these is a valid input or a country code has been included in the phone number.

GetPhoneDetails Outputs

PhoneInStringThe phone number parsed from the user input.
ScoreIntA 0-10 score that represent Service Objects Recommendation of the phone number, 1-10 being valid and 0 being an invalid phone.
CountryCodeIntIs 1-3 digit country calling code
FormatNationalStringThe provided phone number in a national format.
FormatInternationalStringThe provided phone number in international format.
FormatE164StringThe provided phone number in E.164 format.
ExtensionStringThe extension on the phone number.
LocalityStringThe locality from where the validated phone number belongs.
AdminAreaStringThe administrative area from where the validated phone number belongs.
AdminAreaAbbrStringThe administrative area abbreviation from where the validated phone number belongs.
CountryStringThe country to which the validated phone number belongs.
CountryISO2StringThe ISO 2 character country designation for a validated phone number.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for a validated phone number.
LatitudeDecimalThe latitude based on the latLongMatchLevel determined from the phone number of the provider.
LongitudeDecimalThe longitude based on the latLongMatchLevel determined from the phone number of the provider.
LatLongMatchLevelStringThe match level that the phone matched at: Country, LocalAdmin, Region or Locality.
TimeZonestimeZone[]The time zone for the location of the phone number. If multiple possible zones are returned the most likely one will be listed first.
LineTypeStringThe line type determined for the phone number such as landline, wireless and VOIP.
ValidPhoneBooleanA boolean response type determining whether the phone number is a valid phone number.
ValidPhoneLengthBooleanA boolean response type determining whether the phone number is a valid phone number length for the country.
NotesString[]A list of notes giving additional information about the phone number.
WarningsString[]A list of warnings giving additional information about the phone number.
CurrentProviderProviderDetails about the current provider.
PreviousProviderProviderDetails about the previous provider.
OriginalProviderProviderDetails about the original provider.
LastPortedDateString DateThe last time the phone number was ported. Date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
SMSAddressStringThe SMS gateway address for the provided mobile number.
ZoneNameStringThe name of the time zone.
ZoneAbbrStringThe abbreviation of the time zone name.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for a validated phone number.
UTCOffsetStringThe UTC offset, also known as the time offset, is a value that is either added to or subtracted from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to indicate the local solar time.

It is important to note that the local solar time may differ from the current civil time, whether it is standard time or daylight saving time.

ProviderNameStringThe name of the line carrier of the
phone number (“AT&T”).
ProviderIDStringThe ID of the line carrier of the phone number.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for the current line carrier.
ProviderNameStringThe name of the previous line carrier of the
phone number (“AT&T”).
ProviderIDStringThe ID of the previous line carrier of the phone number.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for the previous line carrier.
ProviderNameStringThe name of the original line carrier of the
phone number (“AT&T”).
ProviderIDStringThe ID of the original line carrier of the phone number.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for the original line carrier.
TypeStringThe link to deeper details about the error.
TitleStringBasic description of the error.
StatusStringThe status code of the error, these are http status codes for example 400 and 500 codes.
DetailStringDescription of the error.

*Also see PVI – Errors for service specific status code errors and Errors for general status code errors