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Service Objects Announces New Country Detective Service to Help Businesses Comply with Data Protection Laws Around the Globe

Service will append and correct the country in each contact record and evaluate other data points to deliver an overall quality score
SANTA BARBARA, CA (May 16, 2018)

Service Objects, the leading provider of real-time global contact validation solutions, today announced its new Country Detective service, which allows businesses to correct or append the country of origin to each of their existing contact records. Knowing the geographical location of contact records in a database is the first step to complying with the over 100 international Data Protection laws currently being passed or in existence. Companies are invited to try Country Detective for free by requesting a Global Data Assessment.

Our Country Detective service will give businesses the information they need to determine which of their contact records have the greatest liability.

Geoff Grow, Founder and CEO of Service Objects.

The Global Data Assessment will process up to 500 contact records through Service Objects’ Country Detective service, which will append or correct the existing country. The assessment will also verify other data points, including phone, email, device, and address, and provide an overall quality score for each record. A detailed report of the results, along with recommendations on potential next steps to take, will also be provided.

While Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect May 25, 2018, many other international Data Protection laws are already in place, such as Canada’s PIPEDA, Australia’s NDB, and Japan’s APPI. The consequences of noncompliance are significant, including costly fines and other penalties.

“We know that many US organizations have a large percentage of customer records that are currently missing country data, which is the first step to achieve compliance with data protection laws,” said Geoff Grow, CEO and Founder, Service Objects. “Our Country Detective service will give businesses the information they need to determine which of their contact records have the greatest liability.”

For more information on Country Detective or to get started with your free Global Data Assessment, click here.

About Service Objects

Founded in 2001, Service Objects is the leading provider of Customer Data Validation, verifying online transactions in real-time including a customer’s Name, Address, Phone, Email and Device. Using Service Objects’ global validation and location web services, businesses can identify potentially fraudulent contact records, append additional contact information, and process customer contact data more efficiently. Service Objects has validated over 6 billion transactions, and major brands such as American Express, Microsoft, and Amazon rely on Service Objects for their Customer Data Validation needs. For more information visit or email

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