The Modern Ecommerce Era

The Modern Ecommerce Era

Unless you are one of the youngest Millennials, you probably remember the days when ecommerce was a novelty – because e-anything was a novelty. In those days, the ...
Enhancing Global Address Complete with Address Validation - US

Enhancing Global Address Complete with Address Validation – US

What is Global Address Complete? Service Objects, Inc. has just welcomed our latest service DOTS Global Address Complete into our suite of services! This service suggests addresses in ...
Source, Campaign and Capture: A Data Validation Story

Source, Campaign and Capture: A Data Validation Story

From the outside, many people think that marketing is about brand, messaging and pretty pictures - but those with a deeper understanding know that that is only half ...
A Quick Guide to Global Address Complete

A Quick Guide to Global Address Complete

Introduction Integrating our DOTS Global Address Complete solution can now be completed by anyone familiar with HTML and JavaScript. We make the integration process easy so that almost ...
End-of-Life Products and Aging Contact Data

End-of-Life Products and Aging Contact Data

Old technology products never die – and sometimes, they don’t even fade away. For example, did you know that according to some estimates, more than 25 million people ...
Introducing Global Address Complete

Introducing Global Address Complete

What is the very best way to ensure an accurate address? Make sure it is correct before someone even enters it. This is the concept behind an exciting ...
Converting to Address Insight

Converting to Address Insight

If you are looking to consolidate your address, geocoding, and demographics data validations into a single service, this guide will aid in your transition to DOTS Address Insight ...
Address Verify: A Use Case for More Accurate Deliveries

Address Verify: A Use Case for More Accurate Deliveries

Why correct addresses matter What could be simpler than someone typing in their own address? Well, as it turns out, many things. Simple data entry errors are common ...
Our Top 5 Marketing Blogs of 2020

Our Top 5 Marketing Blogs of 2020

We take great pride in educating our clients on the importance of data quality. And we did quite a bit of it in 2020, with over 100 blog ...