Complicated and Disputed International Borders

Complicated and Disputed International Borders

What makes an international border, and how are border lines determined? While natural features such as oceans, mountains ranges and river may serve well as markers in some ...
3 Simple Ways to Connect and Correct Mailing Addresses

3 Simple Ways to Connect and Correct Mailing Addresses

Validating, correcting and enriching address data is not a do-it-yourself project for most organizations. Not only does it require access to authoritative data from the USPS and other ...
Detecting and validating Australian private mailboxes

Detecting and validating Australian private mailboxes

As in the United States, there are alternate mailing options in Australia for receiving packages – or parcels – besides to your home or business. For example, PO ...
Customizing for the Client: Introducing the New ReverseSearch operation

Customizing for the Client: Introducing the New ReverseSearch operation

Customer service excellence is one of Service Objects' four core values. We are committed to providing the highest level of customer service and one of the ways we ...
Benefits of Accurate Addresses

Benefits of Accurate Addresses

This article is an excerpt from our free whitepaper, The ROI of Address Validation, which we invite you to download. Here are some of the benefits of keeping ...
The Need for Accurate Addresses & How Contact Data Goes Bad

The Need for Accurate Addresses & How Contact Data Goes Bad

The Need for Accurate Addresses Once upon a time, businesses simply accepted a certain amount of bad contact data as part of the normal cost of doing business ...
Address Validation and Credit Card AVS

Address Validation and Credit Card AVS

Address validation services. Address verification services. Two very similar-sounding terms, with identical acronyms but totally different meanings. If your business is involved in selling online, the explosive growth ...
Rivers and Lakes are a metaphor for data hygiene

Rivers and Lakes

Nature has many systems, including the rivers that feed and drain the major lakes of the world. Both influence each other a great deal, particularly in terms of ...
Address Validation-US: New Operation Ensures Last Mile Delivery Accuracy

Address Validation-US: New Operation Ensures Last Mile Delivery Accuracy

Your business gets a large order for one of its products, with a delivery address of “123 Main Street, New York, NY 12345.” But there is one problem: ...