How to Use Place Search with Address Geocode - International

How to Use Place Search with Address Geocode – International

The new DOTS Address Geocode - International service is a geocoding service that can be used to geocode addresses and places from around the world. The international geocoding ...
Retail Recovery and Geocoding

Retail Recovery and Geocoding

The world is suddenly in a very different retail environment than anyone ever expected just a few months ago. The global COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the business ...
Helping Delivery Service Providers During COVID-19 and Beyond

Helping Delivery Service Providers During COVID-19 and Beyond

The world as we know it is rapidly changing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and nowhere is it more evident than in how we shop: more ...
Introduction to Address Geocode - International

Introduction to Address Geocode – International

Service Objects is pleased to announce a new service: DOTS Address Geocode – International. This service aggregates many datasets from all around the world to return the best ...
Announcing DOTS Address Geocode - International

Announcing DOTS Address Geocode – International

Service Objects has long offered capabilities for geocoding US and Canadian addresses. Now, to better serve the global marketplace, we are pleased to announce the release of DOTS ...
Accurate Prospect and Customer Data For the Marketing Win

Accurate Prospect and Customer Data For the Marketing Win

Nearly a century ago, US President Calvin Coolidge – a man of few words – came back from church and was asked what the sermon was about. He ...
Your Contact Data Doesn't Keep Fresh Very Long

Your Contact Data Doesn’t Keep Fresh Very Long

Your company’s revenue most likely depends on having accurate, genuine and up-to-date contact data. In fact, this is probably one of the biggest factors in the overall ROI ...
Automotive Recalls: An NCOA Use Case

Automotive Recalls: An NCOA Use Case

Did you know that in 2014, there were almost 64 million vehicles recalled due to safety issues? According to NHTSA, the number of vehicles recalled in 2014 exceeded ...
An Overview of our Address Validation Products

An Overview of our Address Validation Products

Service Objects currently offers a total of 25 data quality products, ranging from contact data validation to detailed sales and use tax calculation. But our roots began in ...