Address Validation's Alphabet Soup

Address Validation’s Alphabet Soup

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has an acronym for almost everything and this leads to some pretty interesting conversations around the Service Objects' water cooler. You might ...
Canadian Address Validation - In a Nutshell

Canadian Address Validation – In a Nutshell

When Service Objects talks about address validation, we tend to focus on our US and International products, while our Canadian address validation product tends to get less attention ...
Unique Zip Codes - What Are They?

Unique Zip Codes – What Are They?

If you have ever run into a unique ZIP code while doing address lookups or validation, then there is a good chance that they may have caused some ...
Address Validation Service vs. Address Verification Service (AVS)

Address Validation Service vs. Address Verification Service (AVS)

Some terms sound similar but aren’t actually interchangeable – like sympathy versus empathy or good versus well. In the data quality business, two similar phrases with totally separate ...
How Data Quality Tools Help Save Mother's Day

How Data Quality Tools Help Save Mother’s Day

We have many mission-critical applications for our products. But every year in May, one of the most critical ones is keeping moms happy on Mother’s Day. After all, ...
Using Geocoding for Target Marketing

Using Geocoding for Target Marketing

What can a little latitude and longitude do for your marketing? A great deal, as it turns out. For starters, geotargeting – or the use of geographic coordinates ...
DOTS Address Validation - US 3: Delivery Point Validation Explained

DOTS Address Validation – US 3: Delivery Point Validation Explained

One of the features of our DOTS Address Validation - US 3 service is Delivery Point Validation, or DPV for short. DPV codes help you determine whether an ...
Fun Facts About ZIP Codes

Fun Facts About ZIP Codes

Addresses in the United States used to be a simple matter of a street location, a city and state, and perhaps a city-specific postal zone. But by the ...
Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude: Understanding Geocoding

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude: Understanding Geocoding

When Jimmy Buffett sang the title of this blog post years ago, he may not have realized that he was talking about things like geocoding and data mining ...