Data Validation In Real Estate

Data Validation In Real Estate

The real estate industry can gain a competitive edge with data validation Data-based marketing, outreach and lead generation isn’t only for cutting-edge B2B companies anymore. Data runs the ...
Why 'Address Line 2' Should Never Be Offered In Address Forms

Why ‘Address Line 2’ Should Never Be Offered In Address Forms

You see address line 2 all the time. Your own web forms probably even have a field for it. However, did you know that address line 2 doesn't ...
5 Tips To Save Time And Money On Shipping

5 Tips To Save Time And Money On Shipping

If you're like most business owners, finding ways to save time and money is one of your top priorities. After all, a penny saved is a penny earned ...
The Problem With Bad Address Validation

The Problem With Bad Address Validation

Street, avenue, boulevard, and court are but a few of the many suffixes used in addresses. Add in Spanish or French variations like corte or rue and the ...

Canadian Address Privacy Concerns

Canadian Address Privacy Concerns

Canada has several privacy laws regulating the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information in the course of commercial activities. Under Canada's private sector privacy laws, personal information ...

How to Recover from an Incorrect Address

How to Recover from an Incorrect Address

It happens all the time: customers accidentally provide incorrect addresses. Sometimes autocorrect on their phones or computers is to blame. Other times, it's an honest mistake. Whatever the ...
Then and Now: How Data Has Changed the Shopping Experience

Then and Now: How Data Has Changed the Shopping Experience

Remember when Amazon first came along? That was 20 years ago in 1995. That same year, eBay arrived -- and shopping as we formerly knew it was about ...
The Dangers of Address Suggesters

The Dangers of Address Suggesters

At first glance, address suggestion services seem like a great idea. After all, wouldn't your customers appreciate being able to quickly fill in their addresses when filling out ...
Three Essential Address Verification Steps For Improved Mail Delivery

Three Essential Address Verification Steps For Improved Mail Delivery

Sending letters, packages, and other items has its risks. What if the address is incomplete or the recipient has moved? Three essential address verification services work together to ...