Prevent Shopping Cart Abandonment

Prevent Shopping Cart Abandonment

No one likes being stood up for a date, ghosted for a meeting, or left waiting for a return call. And if you sell things online, you probably ...
Continuous Monitoring to Keep Your Data Up-To-Date

Continuous Monitoring to Keep Your Data Up-To-Date

Let’s talk about something that is becoming a growing topic lately: large-scale continuous monitoring of your contact data. Technology has made it possible to rapidly process large amounts ...
Shipping (Lots of) COVID Tests: The Case for Delivery Point Validation

Shipping (Lots of) COVID Tests: The Case for Delivery Point Validation

When was the last time you shipped 400 million of something? Probably not recently. But in the case of the United States Government, January 15, 2022 marked the ...
What is C-Commerce?

What is C-Commerce?

Most people are familiar by now with e-commerce. But how about “c-commerce?” If you haven’t heard the term before, you aren’t alone. But if you’ve ever gotten a ...
Guaranteed 99.999% Uptime: How We Make It Work

Guaranteed 99.999% Uptime: How We Make It Work

We all live in a world that has lots of moving parts. And sometimes, when one of those moving parts fails, it can have a big impact on ...
Get Rid of that Pesky Browser Autofill

Get Rid of that Pesky Browser Autofill

When it comes to address complete or type-ahead solutions, there are some things that we can control as implementers, and some things we cannot control. In this article, ...
Significant update to USPS data requires Address Validation industry to pivot quickly

Significant update to USPS data requires Address Validation industry to pivot quickly

We are pleased to announce an important upgrade to our flagship DOTS Address Validation – US service and the underlying address engine, which supports many of our other ...
Making Spirits Bright with Accurate Delivery Addresses

Making Spirits Bright with Accurate Delivery Addresses

‘Tis the season to be wary – especially if you are responsible for product shipments over the upcoming holiday season. A perfect storm is brewing for this year’s ...
Shipping Cut Off Dates and Surcharges for 2021 Holidays

Shipping Cut Off Dates and Surcharges for 2021 Holidays

Just a few weeks ago, it was summer. And just a few weeks from now, the holidays will be upon us. Not only that, but we are facing ...