Service Objects Lands on CIOReview’s Top 20 Most Promising API Solutions

Service Objects Lands on CIOReview’s Top 20 Most Promising API Solutions

Service Objects is very proud to have been recently selected as one of CIOReview’s Top 20 Most Promising API Solution Providers for 2016, judged by a distinguished panel ...
Service Objects Provides Customized Sample Code

Service Objects Provides Customized Sample Code

One of our primary goals as Application Engineers at Service Objects, is to do whatever we can to ensure that clients and prospective clients get up and running ...
Avoid the Cost of Inaccurate and Incorrect Sales and Use Tax Rates

Avoid the Cost of Inaccurate and Incorrect Sales and Use Tax Rates

There are two unavoidable consequences in life: death and taxes. And taxes are far and away the complex of the two, particularly if you are in ecommerce or ...
ERP: Data Quality and the Data-Driven Enterprise

ERP: Data Quality and the Data-Driven Enterprise

Enterprise resource planning, or ERP for short, integrates the functions of an organization around a common database and applications suite. A brainchild of the late 20th century – ...
How to Hack Character Limitations in Shipping Address Fields

How to Hack Character Limitations in Shipping Address Fields

If you are using an Address Validation service for shipping labels, then you may occasionally run into character limitations with the Address1 field. Whether you are using UPS, ...
Service Objects Announces DOTS NuGet Packages

Service Objects Announces DOTS NuGet Packages

What do you get when you cross Service Objects' powerful data validation APIs with NuGet? Time savings -- and peace of mind that our best practices including failover ...
Service Objects integrations can help improve your contact data quality, help with data validation, and enhance your business operations.

Integrating Service Objects with Salesforce

Salesforce is a great CRM that allows businesses to easily put customers at the center of their attention. But even a tool like Salesforce can be halted by ...
Bots Need Address Validation Too

Bots Need Address Validation Too

Remember watching Star Trek as a kid and dreaming of talking to a computer throughout the day? Then PCs arrived, and while you couldn't control them with your ...
Increase Your Company's Worth With Friendly APIs

Increase Your Company’s Worth With Friendly APIs

Customer relationship management (CRM) software has become a powerful business tool. With a CRM tool such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Infusionsoft, or Oracle CRM On Demand, all ...